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Cancer prevention

mothers against breast cancer and babies from excess weight gain. After treatment, cancer survivors should follow the recommendations...

Cancer deaths fall, but prevention still lags behind

of which are related to physical inactivity and excess weight," said Dr. Andrew Renehan, from the University of Manchester, United Kingdom,...

High levels of HDL cholesterol 'may cut colon cancer risk'

bowel cancer is more common in people who carry excess weight. Altered blood cholesterol levels often go hand-in-hand with obesity and this...

Excess weight linked to 8 more cancer types

Excess weight linked to 8 more cancer... eight additional types of cancer linked to excess weight and obesity: stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, ovary, meningioma (a type... based on a review of more than 1,000 studies of excess weight and cancer risk analysed by the World Health Organization's International... excess weight, overweight, obesity,...

Where body fat is carried can predict cancer risk

thyroid cancer, multiple myeloma [3]. See also Excess weight linked to 8 more cancer types (article from 24 August...

Obesity linked to increased risk of early-onset colorectal cancer

colorectal cancer, excess weight, overweight, obesity, body mass index...

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